Garbagemon b

Garbagemon is a Mutant Digimon whose name and design are derived from the computer garbage can. It was once a trash can on a desktop computer, but gained life and evolved into a Digimon. Unlike Sukamon, which mutated from the discarded data of scum, this Digimon is the trash can itself. Until now garbage Digimon were said to be the absolute weakest, but with the arrival of Garbagemon that conventional wisdom will probably be reversed. Also, its trash can can act like a black hole, so that anything that is sucked into the trash can disappears from the Digital World without a trace. It wields a bazooka constructed from empty cans fastened together.[1]


 [hide] *1 Digimon Adventure

Digimon AdventureEdit[]

As Cherrymon dealt with Matt and Gabumon near a lake, Puppetmon attacked the others with 3 Garbagemon which were attacked by GreymonBirdramonKabuterimonTogemon and Ikkakumon but they survived. Togemon Digivolved to Lillymon and destroyed the 1st one, Greymon Digivolved to MetalGreymon to destroy the 2nd one, the 3rd one faked a surrender and started to suck everything into his can, including Kari and Gatomon who started to fly toward him. That Garbagemon was destroyed by MetalGarurumon and Kari and Gatomon were saved. However, Matt and MetalGarurumon challenged Tai and Agumon to a fight.

Digimon FrontierEdit[]

Two Garbagemon, one in its can and one without it, are in the Fortuneteller VillageA Hunka Hunka BurningGreymon

Digimon Xros WarsEdit[]

Dust Zone, The Great Scrap City of GrandLocomon!

Digimon World 2Edit[]

Garbagemon digivolves from Guardromon and Raremon.

Digimon World 3Edit[]

Garbagemon can be found on Amaterasu's West Sector, in Dum Dum Factory's Sewers. In the PAL version of the game, Garbagemon can be found in Amaterasu's Circuit Boards underground, once Galacticmon has been beat. it is also available as a Brown Ultimate Card with 22/20.

Digimon World DSEdit[]

Garbagemon digivolves from Sukamon. Garbagemon can also be found at the Junk Factory.

Digimon World Dawn/DuskEdit[]

Garbagemon appears in the game digivolves from Sukamon. He appears on stage Process Factory. To digivolve to Garbagemon it is necessary to have Lv35, ATK 170 and Machine EXP 5000.


  • Junk Chunker (Poop Bazooka): Fires poop from its bazooka.
  • Dirty Saucer

Notes and ReferencesEdit[]

  1.  Digimon Dictionary: Gerbemon